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The ‘Sarvodya’ Story for an Inclusive Duniya

The online shift necessitated by the pandemic revealed a harsh reality: inadequate resources for and systemic exclusion of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (PwIDD). We responded with the #StepUp4Sarvodya campaign in 2021, bringing together 80 individuals from 12 cities to walk, run, and cycle an impressive 25,000 kilometres. Their efforts sparked important conversations and raised awareness about the issues faced by PwIDDs. Intellectual disability affects an estimated 2-3% of the population, which translates to roughly 35 million individuals in India. Without the right exposure and inclusive mindsets, these individuals face persistent exclusion, isolating a significant segment of our society.

However, we have an opportunity to reshape these attitudes. Everyone has a role in fostering a more inclusive society. We collaborate with changemakers including local communities, youth groups, and corporate volunteers, to make this happen. When we prioritise inclusion and supporting PwIDDs, we build a society that values all abilities and potential.

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Inclusive Duniya School Programme

Shaping schools into inclusive learning environments by building the capacity of educators and nurturing students’ competencies.

Awareness and Allyship

Raising IDD awareness, facilitating open dialogue, and empowering individuals through content, discussions, and capacity-building initiatives.

Our Team

A team comprising employees, consultants, and volunteers, fueled by a shared passion: creating supportive communities and partnerships that empower PwIDDs.